You are ready to buy your first car. Researching the right vehicle can be a daunting task. You search for the right type of vehicle you need, the color you want, the type of interior. You have spent countless hours narrowing down the right vehicle for you. You find out what the MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price) is by using the following services:
- Offline
- Consumer Reports Magazine
- Auto Week Magazine
- Your local newspaper's auto section
- Local dealers
- Online:
- Consumer Reports
- -
- Kelly Blue Book -
- NADA guide book -
Now you have the right model in mind. You are ready to purchase a car. You now have a good idea of how much you should spend, how much you are willing to spend.
You go to the dealership and spend hours negotiating a price. After you have agreed to a price, the sales clerk asks do you have insurance. Because this is your first vehicle, the thought never crossed your mind. The sales clerk says you will not be able to drive the car off the lot until you have secured insurance. You get out a phone book and start calling around for insurance quotes. You get several prices and you are instructed that you must come to the insurance agency to fill out paperwork. You must then go back to the dealership and show them your insurance policy. This has been a long and stressful day. is ready to help. How can you get the best deal on auto insurance?
Use at the dealership and you will be able to purchase insurance and print your proof immediately (in available states). With, you get to shop around and look for the best deal. Find out if you save with when you get your auto insurance quote. In addition to great rates and reliable coverage, offers tools and information to help you understand your auto insurance coverage better.
Whether you are a first time car buyer or a seasoned pro, offers you the ability to shop for insurance in one easy website. Next time you are stuck at a car dealership, go to a computer, type in and find the best rate without leaving the store.
Very honest, simple and easy going...more than that, a great price!
Palm Bay, FL
Disclaimer: This article is for information purposes. It should not be interpreted as a recommendation to buy or sell any insurance product, or to provide financial or legal advice. This information is provided for information purposes only.
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